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Remove my photo from searches

This is a process of removing images from the Fotop platform's search engines that only covers public events or training sessions that took place up to the date of your request. When requested for future training sessions, Fotop will make every effort to identify and not display the image in its search engines. If you are interested in having your photographs removed in relation to events that you may participate in in the future, you will need to make a new request after the event has taken place. The deletion of images included in requests made must be done through a specific request.

Suas informações

We need this information so we can send you a removal confirmation email.

Selecione o tipo de evento em que não deseja aparecer

We need you to provide which event you do not wish to appear at in order to proceed with your request.


Evento selecionado:

Realizar upload de uma foto de identificação

We need you to upload an identification photo of yourself so that our search engines can filter and remove your photos from the results.

For best results, it is advisable that your identification photo be a selfie, in a bright environment, without accessories such as glasses, hats, caps or masks.

Visualização da imagem

Número de identificação do atleta

What was your athlete number at the event? So that our system can find your number and remove your photos from search results.