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Foto promocional
Pack By Athlete
$ 57.000
$ 47.000

SECURE YOUR PACKAGE NOW AND BE THE FIRST TO RELIVE THE EXCITEMENT WITH YOUR EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS! By purchasing the advance package, you guarantee all your photos in high resolution and you even start receiving photos before the event is online. GUARANTEE YOUR PACKAGE NOW AND BE THE FIRST TO RELIVE THE EMOTION WITH YOUR EXCLUSIVE SHOTS! By purchasing the pre-package you guarantee all your photos in high resolution and even start receiving photos before the event goes online.

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ATTENTION: To receive your photos, access the "My Purchases" section on our website and be sure to upload a selfie without glasses with good definition and lighting and without other people in the photo, for the package to be effective.

PHOTO DELIVERY: Access the "My Purchases" section on our website and download your photos. You will also be notified to your registered email address, when your photos are available for download.

NOTE: The minimum number of photos guaranteed in the package is 10 photos per athlete (including route and arrival) - After uploading the selfie, the package becomes personal and non-transferable.- If you find your photos among the unidentified files, you must contact, stating the code of the photo (s) (located below the photo) within 7 days after the event for your order to be reprocessed.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:

If you want to cancel the order, the request must be made up to 3 days before the event via email There will be no cancellations after this period


If you don't have the minimum number of 5 photos offered, you must request a refund within 30 days of the event via Refund requests will not be accepted after this period


Refunds and cancellations will be made within 30 days of the request using the payment method used in the order.

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